Jason Kucerik is a Kansas City-based “photogr—
…Hold on. I’m not going to do it that way. I’m going to speak in the first-person, so let’s start again…
Hi, I’m Jason Kucerik. An astrophotographer? Landscape photographer? I hesitate using either of those terms, because I lack any formal training in those fields, but I do take pictures of space and landscapes and enjoy it. So, I suppose that makes me a photographer of sorts.
I have always had an affinity to looking at things in space, and love sci-fi shows and movies. Ask me anything about Star Trek, and I’ll bend your ear for hours. That combined with my mother being a professional photographer, the hobby of astrophotography was just meant to be. I got my first telescope as a birthday present when I was in elementary school, and loved the ability to look toward the sky and see the rings of Saturn and clouds of Jupiter. In 2019, I bought an 8” Dobsonian Reflector, really to just look at the moon for the 50th Anniversary of the Moon landing. It slowly [d]evolved from there…I bought more and more gear to hook my camera to my telescope, then before I even knew what had happened, I had a full-blown astro-rig ready to expose the deepest wonders of the universe.
I don’t just love making pretty pictures of space, though. I really dive into the objects that I’m trying to photograph. The art of astrophotography isn’t a “point-and-shoot” sort of thing. Most deep sky objects, such as nebulae, distant galaxies, and the such, take hours of total exposure time. Plenty of time for me to do some research about what I’m photographing in a half-a**ed attempt to understand just a tiny bit more about our universe.
A musician by trade, with a degree in music composition, you will certainly find my photos and videos are accompanied by music. All music on this site is my own, or will be properly credited and only used by permission.
I hope you enjoy your time here, and return frequently. Please feel free to shoot me questions, comments, critiques, or corrections of anything here. I’m a nice guy, and am open to thoughts, and will try to respond to all correspondence.
Clear skies, and Q’Pla!
Jason Kucerik