Messier 63 - Sunflower Galaxy
Location: Canes Venatici
Distance: 35 Million Light Years
Diameter: 98,000 Light Years
Celestron Nexstar 8SE Optical Tube Assembly
Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro Telescope Mount
QHYCCD 268C Dedicated Astronomy Camera (Cooled to -15C)
Optolong L-Pro Light Pollution filter
Acquired over two nights, June 2 & 3, 2022.
It’s made from 62 x 180-second (3-minute) subframes for a total of just over 3 hours of total exposure time with a gain setting of 60.
The Sunflower Galaxy has such an interesting structure, it was a no-brainer when I had the opportunity to shoot it during “Galaxy Season” in the spring of 2022. The lanes of dust combined with the newly-formed stars create the effect of a textured surface, reminiscent of a flower—maybe a sunflower?
The galaxy is in the same group, the M51 Group, as another of my favorite galaxies, Messier 51, the Whirlpool Galaxy. You can see a picture of it on this site as well here.